If you want to rent an apartment for a short time, it will be more economical than renting a hotel room or living room. The apartment is best rented in early January or from May to June, since the demand for apartments is falling, and the landlords need at least some money for the apartment than it will just stand.
Having removed, the apartment is not in the center you save money, because the farther from the center, the cheaper, and if there is no transport nearby, then you will save more, but is it convenient for you to decide for yourself.
The poor condition of the apartment is already lower, because not everyone wants an apartment with poor furniture or with faulty life systems, such as water supply, heating, electrical wiring. If the apartment has not been repaired for a long time, thereby it will be cheaper to give up.
A communal apartment or apartment with owners is cheaper than in an apartment with all amenities.
You can reduce the rental cost when the owner rents an apartment urgently and with an advance payment for several months in advance, here you need not to miss the opportunity to reduce the cost and play that he needs money.
Avoid intermediaries to save, contact the owners directly. You can find them on the Internet, newspapers, television. But there are agents there, beware of them.
Conclude an agreement with the lessors, for a year or more, depends on how much you need. Then the landlords will not be able to raise the rent.
Many people come across a scam, especially if they want to rent an apartment through the agency, they first pay, and then in the end they receive the apartment not quite the same as they promised or completely hide with money. Be vigilant and attentive and it is better not to contact dubious agencies, but if you still go, then check the agency, learn more about it, what reviews about it. In order not to be deceived and save money.