Serial design at home: advantages and disadvantages
Many houses in suburban places of mass buildings are often erected by housing and construction firms of serial production. Such companies cooperate with architects and designers to create plans suitable for this particular region and harmoniously combined with surrounding houses. When you cooperate with the construction company of serial production of houses, you will have to choose one of the plans offered by the company. Then you “modify to your liking” the plan, choosing external finishes, lighting devices, windows and other architectural elements from the list you have offered.
Advantages: builders can work faster and more economical when they follow the usual and traditional plans. Since plans were created by local specialists, they, in all likelihood, will take into account the climatic conditions and features of the area.
Disadvantages: your house will be collected from a limited number of standard elements. Although you can demand a certain modification, but your house will still not look like a house made specially to order. It is likely that he will look like other houses in the neighborhood. Your construction company may refuse, or take an additional fee for any changes that are not included in the provided list of options.