Using foam concrete blocks for the construction of a bathhouse
Everyone knows that a real Russian bath has always been built of wood without using nails. Nowadays, the wooden bath remains the most popular. But, unfortunately, wood prices have grown very much now. Therefore, if you want to build a bath of wood, get ready to pay a rather tidy amount for it. And what to do if you do not have a tidy amount? The answer is simple: build a bathhouse from blocks with your own hands. Block bath – it’s easy and not consistent.
First you will need to develop a project of a future bath, fix everything in the drawing, clearly work out every square meter. After the end of the drawing, you can proceed to its practical embodiment, t. e. To mark the future foundation. Marking should be carried out on a cleared and aligned area. Designate all angles, walls and partitions on the marking, pull the cords between the pegs installed in the corners, and then under the partitions and around the perimeter, dig a trench with a depth of 60 to 80 cm and a width of 40 cm. The width of the trench should be 5 cm more than the width of the wall. Put the pipe for draining water.