How to correctly place elements on the land plot
Elementary planning of the site can be done by yourself, without the help of specialists. Despite the fact that you know the dimensions of your site, it is still worth it to measure all sides again with a tape measure. Now we draw a site on paper, determine and mark the places of buildings and the cardinal. All owners of the sites in which they want to build, should know the following norms: a distance of at least 3 meters is necessary for the border of the site to the main building, between neighboring houses 6 meters and not less, from the house to the road there should be more than 4.5 m , to the household and toilet – more than 7 meters. Place plantings and buildings so as not to shadow the neighboring site. And best of all, to get acquainted with the neighbors with whom your site borders, if they have not built anything yet, then plank where to put houses and other buildings together.
The best option would be to combine the households of two or 4 sites. This will very much save a useful space and exclude conflicts with neighbors. There were such cases when you placed a toilet in a secluded place, away from the house, and behind the fence you built a recreation area or, say, a playground in this place. After all, this is already a reason for a quarrel that can make a restless rest, and possession of the site too. Therefore, to keep the world, talk with your neighbors about your plans. Houses can be purchased already ready if there is no time to prepare.