Frame -shield houses are best suited to fulfill your dream of your own country house. In the event that you need a country house for seasonal residence, the option of such houses is the most suitable. Their popularity is understandable: high quality design, aesthetic appearance, all this is combined with a completely democratic price.
By purchasing real estate of this type, you get a house of wood, the walls of which are made of individual elements – mounted shields. Wall shields can be made in production, as well as directly on the site where construction takes place. Frame -shield houses are a cheap version of frame houses that are not designed for permanent residence in them. The thickness of the frame of such a house is quite sufficient to feel comfortable in the warm season, but in the winter, of course, additional expenses for heating will be needed. Be that as it may, even in winter in such a house you can spend holidays with pleasure or weekend. It will not be an exaggeration to say that turnkey shield houses are the best option for a small suburban site. A very affordable price is not the only advantage of such houses. There are a certain amount of other advantages, for example, the environmental friendliness of a tree that is part of the frame (it creates a microclimate in a room that is pleasant and healthy for health); Super -high building (just a couple of weeks); the most diverse architectural solutions.
The only restriction that exists in this case is that the house cannot exceed 6 meters along the pediment, and it cannot have more than two floors. But for the summer house, you see, this is quite enough.